GlassFire Magazine
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Hello, and welcome to the second issue of GlassFire Magazine and our first editorial. We weren't sure what to talk about here, and for a long while, we just stared at the blank screen. There wasn't an editorial in the first issue because, well, we weren't sure if there would be other issues. However, the response for this issue was overwhelming, and we received a good number of quality submissions. Thank you to everyone who submitted their poetry, prose, and artwork!
Our goal with GlassFire is to provide a place where anyone, regardless of how much stuff they've had previously in print, has a chance to get published. This issue perfectly reflects that. We have some young writers who are, for the first time, seeing their work published, and right along side them are some authors who have some pretty impressive credentials.
Our other goal is to consider pretty much everything from sonnets to science-fiction, drawings to travel memoirs, and everything in between. We received writing from all across the genre spectrum, and you'll find this issue includes some exceptional writing. Our four poets are incredibly diverse, touching on everything from the Aztec's views on death to Lucile Clifton's thoughts on clothing. Our fiction in this issue dives towards the fantastic with an introspective fantasy piece and a science-fiction story tinged with a macabre twist.
Thank you, again, to all of our writers and, especially, to our readers. If you enjoy what you see here, please let us know. GlassFire is a new endeavor for us, and we'd love to know what you think of it. You can email your comments, questions, and, of course, submissions to Until the Fall issue, thanks for reading!
-Matt and Kristina