GlassFire 18 Editorial

Welcome to the 18th issue of GlassFire!  This issue features five great short stories, five awesome poems, and one fascinating nonfiction piece.  The artwork, as you can see, features some of the cutest cats and dogs on the internet.  Okay, we might be a bit biased since they’re our cats and dogs (and hedgehog). 

We know our magazine’s success is all due to the amazing authors we feature each issue.  But being an author in today’s industry isn’t the easiest.  Authors have to do more than just write—even major publishing houses expect you to come in with a marketing plan.  That’s why we’ve been doing our best to promote the authors we’ve featured in GlassFire and our other publishing projects on our Facebook page at

We encourage everyone to follow us on Facebook for the latest news on our projects and on what our fantastic authors are doing.  Authors, please feel free to post your news and updates to the page or send the details to use and we’ll post it. 

Here are some of the latest shout-outs and project updates from our authors:

Dawn Dupler’s book St. Louis in the Civil War was published by Arcade Publishing.

Jennifer Luckenbill was named a finalist for Sundress Publication’s 2013 Best of the Net Anthology.

Abigail Keegan had five poems published in Cybersoleil.

Kristine Ong Muslim served as a guest editor for the Winter 2014 issue of Amethyst Arsenic.

One last note: throughout March, we will be having weekend sales for all of our projects.  Last weekend, Vision2 by Kristi Brooks was on sale for $0.99.  Here are the rest of our 99 cent sales.  Each one starts at 12:01 am on Friday and ends at 11:59 on Monday.

March 14 – March 17 – Jamie’s Wish by Elaine Terry

March 21 – March 23 – Entrances & Exits poetry anthology

March 28 – March 31 – Florilegium anthology

Be sure to check them out if you haven’t already! 

Until next issue, keep reading and writing!