GlassFire Magazine

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The summer of 2008 marks our tenth issue of GlassFire Magazine, and we just keep getting more and more submissions each period.  As you can see, we’ve expanded our issues a bit, but unfortunately, we can only purchase so many pieces each issue.  Our budget just isn’t large enough for us to buy every amazing poem and well-written story that comes across our desk.


What we can do, though, is try something new.  We’ve decided to attempt a writing contest.  While GlassFire doesn’t revolve around a theme, we thought we’d try focusing our contest around a particular genre.  Because we get a lot of science-fiction and fantasy, we decided to hold our first contest in that genre.  “Orcs, Robots, and Unicorns, Oh My!” is its title, and you can read all the guidelines on the contest website.  The deadline is October 31st, and there is a small reading fee.  But there are prizes, plus the top three stories will be published in the winter issue of GlassFire.


We’ve added a couple of other things to our website.  Down below, you’ll see a couple of new things.  One is a link to join our mailing list.  We promise we won’t send you tons of emails or any spam, only updates.  If you’re interesting in knowing when the new issue goes online and what new projects we’re doing, please sign up. 


The other new thing is our donation box.  We had a few people ask about helping GlassFire financially, so we added a PayPal donation box to the site.  We are extremely grateful to those of you who have donated already.  Every little bit helps.  As we’ve said before, we don’t make any money off the e-zine.  With your support, we can continue to grow and publish more pieces each issue.  We also hope to be able to publish another volume of GlassFire Anthology sometime in 2009, although these plans are very tentative at the moment.


Finally, we’re very pleased to announce our nominees for the first annual Micro Award.  This award is for any piece of fiction under 1,000 words published in 2007.  The guidelines allowed us to nominate one piece from the e-zine and one from the anthology We had a number of stories that were eligible, but in the end, we narrowed it down to two.  From GlassFire Anthology, we chose “This is my baby.  IT IS beautiful” by Cope Hayden, and from the e-zine, we nominated “She Wears a Green Hat and Eats Cantaloupe” by Steven J. Dines.  Good luck to both of you!


We plan to research writing awards over the next few months and nominate as many of our writers as possible.  If you know of any contests like the Micro Award, please let us know about them.  The fall issue will include our nominees for the Pushcart Prize for Poetry.


That’s all for this time.  Until the next issue, keep writing!


-Matt & Kristi

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Thank you so much! 


